Saturday 25 May 2013

What is Leucoderma and its treatments

A common skin ailment, Leucoderma is caused by the loss of a bodily substance called melanin. In the absence of melanin, unusual white patches and spots develop on the patient’s body and spread to other areas. In literal terms, Lucoderma means white patches. The disease can appear anywhere on the body, especially on areas that are most exposed to sunlight such as the back of the hands, neck, face, arms and forehead. Lucoderma is also known as Vitiligo. The patches and spots formed during this condition tend to remain with the individual for the rest of his/her life as they cannot be fully cured.
Besides the scientific reason, Leucoderma can also be caused by an accidental incident such as a cut or a burn or even ulcer. Experts have failed to come up with a guaranteed cause for Lucoderma every physician has a theory of his own. The cumulative conclusion of all theories lies in the fact that Lucoderma is an auto-immune disease, where an individual’s body responds against the functioning of the body’s own tissues and organs.
Some other causes of the disease are as follows:
·         Genetic Oxidative Stress Imbalance
·         Sudden trauma
·         Exposure to harmful chemicals
·         Destruction of Melanocytes
Almost all of these causes are not backed by scientific study and are merely a hypothesis therefore they cannot be accepted as guaranteed causes for Leucoderma. For those worried about the disease being contagious, Leucoderma is not contagious and does not spread from person to person. However, if your family has a history of other auto immune diseases then you are most likely to fall prey to Leucoderma.
Furthermore, Leucoderma does not cause any harm and is just a loss pigments which leads to other psychological problems such as tension, social embarrassment and low self esteem. People with Leucoderma fail to face their social circles and feel better when isolated. It is therefore important that a treatment for Leucoderma should be conducted depending on the percentage of body that is covered with white patches. Also patients should bear in mind that the loss of pigments does not occur all at once, it is a gradual process which makes the skin lose its color until it turns white.
The disorder cannot be diagnosed by an ordinary person and a medical expert should be consulted. However if under any circumstances, you cannot visit a doctor, here is how to confirm if you are a Lucoderma patient or not.
·         The skin has a darker outline than normal
·         The patch has an irregular shape
·         The patch increases with time
·         The patch appears to be milky white under UV light
Leucoderma can be treated by both natural remedies as well as by scientific methods such as photo chemotherapy. However it is important that along with a treatment method a good diet plan is also practiced to see better results. The Babchi oil is another effective treatment for Lucoderma.
All treatment for leucoderma methods should be tried only after a doctor has prescribed them.